This is the PolyTechnic students’ app. Here every student can easily get the latest Notice of BTEB, Results of Diploma Engineering, Academic Calendar, Exam routines, etc. All the department’s Booklist & total Syllabus is available here. By using this app students can apply for Diploma admission. There are many more features like Probidhan(2016,2010,2005), Universities (public/private) for diploma holders, important educational sites. There are many more features are coming soon. So keep your app Updated.
This App contains:
1. Booklist (All departments)
2. Training institutions (Industrial Attachment)
3. Probidhan (2016,2010)
4. Academic calendar
5. Academic Syllabus
6. Diploma Results
7. Diploma Notice
8. Diploma Admission
9. Important links
10. Calculator
11. And Many More Coming Soon…..
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Note: This application created for complete Diploma education. If any objections, then please contact us. Please contact us if you have any hesitation about this application or this application's content.